Creatherm chosen for New Byway Discovery Center
ALTON, IL – Plans for two significant new National Scenic Byway corridor activation projects are moving forward in the Great Rivers & Routes region of southwest Illinois with both slated to open Spring 2026 along the Meeting of the Great Rivers National Scenic Byway between Hartford and Grafton.
The new Byway Discovery Center, a 4,500-square-foot visitor orientation facility will be constructed on a parcel of land near the mouth of Piasa Creek, on the Madison/Jersey County line, west of Alton on the Scenic Byway. The Center will feature new hardscapes including landscaping, parking with access for motor coach buses, outdoor gathering and learning areas, interpretive panels, an outdoor art installation, kiosks, a riverside trail, and kayak landing. The site is also immediately upstream of the US Army Corps of Engineers Piasa Creek Recreation Area and Boater Access. The center itself will include 1,400 square feet of permanent exhibit space, a gift shop, lecture facilities and public restrooms. The center will be open seven days a week and will be managed by the Great Rivers & Routes Tourism Bureau.